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1. 1990.09-1994.06 四川大学,本科,获学士学位

2. 1996.09-1999.06 四川大学,硕士,获硕士学位

3. 1999.09-2003.06 四川大学,博士,获博士学位


1. 1994.07.09-1999.05 中国工程物理研究院化学材料研究所研究实习员

2. 2002.07-2004.06 黄金城官方网站任讲师

3. 2004.07-2009.06 黄金城官方网站任副研究员

4. 2009.07-至今 黄金城官方网站教授

5. 2011.10-2011.12,德国德累斯顿莱布尼茨聚合物研究所 (Leibniz-Institute of   Polymer Research, IPF),访问学者




国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才入选者、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才入选者、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者,四川省技术和学术带头人以及四川省青年科技创新研究团队带头人。主讲本科生《高分子科学导论》及《高分子物理》等课程。先后获得国家技术发明及科技进步二等奖2项(排名第5和第6),四川省技术发明和自然科学一等奖各1项(排名第2和第3)、高等学校技术发明奖一等奖2项(排名第25)以及高校科技进步二等奖1项(排名第6)。近五年在Adv. Funct. Mater.J. Mater. Chem. AChem.   Eng. J.ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.等杂志上发表第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文近50篇,H-index39。以第一发明人身份获得国家授权发明专利10多项。主持国家重点研发计划、863项目、四川省杰出青年基金、四川省青年科技创新研究团队等项目。

代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利)

1. De-Fu Li, Xi Zhao, Yun-Wan Jia, Lu He, Xiu-Li Wang*, Yu-Zhong Wang, Simultaneously Enhance Both the Flame Retardancy and Toughness   of Polylactic Acid by the Cooperation of Intumescent Flame Retardant and   Bio-Based Unsaturated Polyester, Polymer Degradation and Stabiliy, 2019, 168, 108961.

2. Yan-Peng Ni, Qi-Tian Li, Lin Chen, Wan-Shou Wu, Zi-Hao Qin, Yi   Zhang, Li Chen, Xiu-Li Wang,   and Yu-Zhong Wang*, Semi-Aromatic Copolyesters with High Strength and Fire   Safety via Hydrogen Bonds and π-π Stacking, Chemical Engineering Journal,   2019, 374694-705

3. Man-Cheng Long, Ling-Tong Xia, Tian-Bei Lyu, Ting Wang, Teng   Huang, Lin Chen, Gang Wu, Xiu-Li Wang,   Yu-Zhong Wang, A green and facile way to prepare methylcellulose-based porous   polymer electrolytes with high lithium-ion conductivity, Polymer, 2019, 176,   256-263.

4. De-Fu Li, Xi Zhao, Yun-Wan Jia, Lu He, Xiu-Li Wang*,   Yu-Zhong Wang, Dual effect of dynamic vulcanization of biobased unsaturated   polyester: Simultaneously enhance the toughness and fire safety of   Poly(lactic acid), Composites Part B 2019, 175, 107069

5. Lin Chen, Hai-Bo Zhao, Yan-Peng Ni, Teng Fu, Wan-Shou Wu, Xiu-Li   Wang*, Yu-Zhong Wang*, 3D printable robust shape memory PET copolyesters   with fire safety via p-stacking and synergistic crosslinking, Journal of   Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 17037–17045

6. Teng Huang, Man-Cheng Long, Xiu-Li Wang*, Gang Wu*,   Yu-Zhong Wang, One-step preparation of poly(ionic liquid)-based flexible   electrolytes by in-situ polymerization for dendrite-free lithium ion   batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 375, 122062

7. Teng Huang, Man-Cheng Long, Gang Wu,* Yu-Zhong Wang, Xiu-Li   Wang*, Poly(ionic liquid)-Based Hybrid Hierarchical Free-Standing   Electrolytes with Enhanced Ion Transport and Fire Retardancy Towards   Long-Cycle-Life and Safe Lithium Batteries, ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6,   3674-3683.

8. Mao-Qin Li, Jia-Min Wu, Fei Song, Dan-Dan   Li, Xiu-Li Wang, Li Chen, Yu-Zhong Wang, Flexible and   electro-induced shape memory Poly(Lactic Acid)-based material constructed by   inserting a main-chain liquid crystalline and selective localization of   carbon nanotubes, Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 173, 1-6.

9. Teng Fu, Xi Zhao, Lin Chen, Wan-Shou Wu, Qing Zhao, Xiu-Li   Wang,* De-Ming Guo, and Yu-Zhong Wang*, Bioinspired   Color Changing Molecular Sensor toward Early Fire Detection Based on   Transformation of Phthalonitrile to Phthalocyanine, Advanced Functional   Materials, 2019, 1806586

10. Xue Yuan, Wu-Cheng Nie, Chen Xu, Xiao-Hui Wang, Qian Xiao, Fei   Song, Xiu-Li Wang,* Yu-Zhong Wang.   From Fragility to Flexibility: Construction of Hydrogel Bridges toward a   Flexible Multifunctional Free-Standing CaCO3 Film, Advanced Functional   Materials, 2018, 28, 1704956.

