
李立新     教授


联系方式:          Email:llxin@sina.com








1995.07~至今:  四川大学化工技术开发中心(任厂长),黄金城官方网站工作 


















代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利)


1.  Guochen Dai , Zetian Zhang , Weining Du , Zhengjun Li,   Lixin Li, Conversion of skin collagen fibrous material waste to an oil   sorbent with pH-responsive switchable wettability for   high-efficiency-separation of oil/water emulsions, Journal of Cleaner   Production,2019:

2.  Yuanping Jiang, Jiaxun Li,   Fangming Liu, Zongcai Zhang, Zhengjun Li, Mingbo Yang and Lixin Li. The effects of surface modification using O2 low   temperature plasma on chrome tanning properties of natural leather, Journal   of Industrial Textiles,2019;

3.  Ting Su, Ying Han, Hongyan Liu,   Lixin Li, Zongcai Zhang,and Zhengjun L, The surface modification by O2   low temperature plasma to improve dyeing properties of Rex rabbit fiber,   Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics,2019;

4.  Fangming Liu, Hongyan Liu, Ting   Su, Zongcai Zhang & Lixin Li, Study on the Influence of Nitrogen Plasma on Dyeing   Properties of Rex Rabbit Fibers, Plasma Chem Plasma P ,   2018;

5.  Fangming Liu, Ting Su,   Yuanping,Jiang, Zhengjun L, Lixin Li, Improvement in Tanning Properties of Natural Leather   Through Surface Modification Assisted by CO 2 Low-Temperature Plasma, JALCA,2018;

6.  Zetian Zhang, Xiaona Han ,   Weining Du , Zhengjun Li , Lixin L, Comparison   and evaluation of in vitro degradation behaviors of organosilicone-modified   gelatin hybrids, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology.2018;

7.  Weining   Du, Guochen Dai, Baochuan Wang, Zhengjun Li ,Lixin Li, Biodegradable   porous organosilicone-modified collagen fiber matrix:Synthesis and high oil   absorbency, J. APPL. POLYM.,2018;

8.  Yupeng   Li, Baochuan Wang, Zhengjun Li, Lixin Li, Variation of pore structure   of organosilicone-modified skin collagen matrix, J.   APPL. POLYM.,2017;

9.  Wenlan Xu, Jiaxun Li, Fangming   Liu , Lixin Li, Study on the thermal decomposition kinetics and   flammability performance of a flame-retardant leatherJ Therm   Anal Calorim2017,128:1107–1116

10.  Yuanping,Jiang, Jiaxun Li, Lixin   Li , Study on a novel multifunctional nanocomposite as flame retardant   of leatherPolymer Degradation and Stability, 2015, 115:110-116;

11.  Liutao Yang , Ying Liu ,   Chunping Ma, Lixin LiKinetics of Non-Isothermal Decomposition   and Flame Retardancy of Goatskin Fiber Treated with Melamine-Based Flame   Retardant, Fibers and Polymers, 2016, 7 :1018-1024 ;

12.  Liutao Yang , Ying Liu ,   Chunping Ma, Lixin LiNaphthalene-fused BODIPY with large   Stokes shift as saturated-red uorescent dye for living cell imaging, Dyes and   Pigments, 2016, 122: 1-5;

13.  Liutao   Yang, Ying Liu, Yujiao Wu1 , Lanli Deng, Lixin Li, Thermal degradation   kinetics of leather fibers treated with fire-retardant melamine resin, J   Therm Anal Calorim2016, 123:413–420

14.  Weining DuXiaona   HanZhengjun L Lixin Li , Oil sorption behaviors of porous polydimethylsiloxane   modified collagen fiber matrix, J. APPL. POLYM.,2015

15.  Modulating stability and   mechanical properties of silica–gelatin hybrid by incorporating   epoxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxane oligomer, J. APPL. POLYM.,2015;

16.  Li, BoLi,   Jiaxun Li, Lixin Jiangi,   Yuanping, Synthesis and application of a novel  functional material as   leather flame retardant, JALCA . 2014,109:239-245;

17.  Weining DuXiaona   HanZhengjun LLixin Li , A   Comparative Study of Various Collagen Fibre Wastes as Oil Sorbent Materials,   JSLTC, 2015,267-272;

18.  Li, ZuojiaZhou,   Dan Li, LixinLi, YingPeng, QiangSynthesis   and characterization of copolymers based on benzotriazoles and different   atom-bridged dithiophenes for efficient solar cells, Polymer Chemistry. 2013   : 2496~2505;

19.  Yang JinweiLi   BoGou LiLing HuijiaoLuo   Mingliang, Li Lixin , Modification of Collagen Fibre and Clean Chrome   Tanning Technology Using Low Temperature Plasma, JSLTC, 2012,246-249;

20.  Ling HuijiaoYang   Jinwei Li Lixin , The Syhthesis and   Application of a High Performance Amino Resin Nanocomposite as Leather Flame   Retardant, JSLTC, 2012,5-10

21.  Yang   Liutao Li Lixin , Thermal Degradation   Kinetics and Flame Retardancy of Hide Treated with Montmorillonite-amino   resin, J SOC LEATH TECH CH, 2010,9-14;

22.  Cheng FengXiang   LingYu JiankunZheng HaifangYang   Liutao Li Lixin, Preparation and   Characterization of Waterborne Polyurethane as Shoe Adhesives, ACTA POLYM   SIN, 2009,929-935;

23.  李立新,李家勋,杨金伟,李博,江元平,皮革用膨胀型胶原基纳米复合阻燃功能材料国家发明专利2015ZL201410299861.4

24.  李立新,陈武勇,杨柳涛,成丰,郑海芳,高阻燃性氨基树脂纳米复合功能鞣剂, 国家发明专利2010   Zl200810045555.2

25.  李立新,陈武勇皮革阻燃性氨基树脂鞣剂及制备方法, 国家发明专利2006Zl200310111021.2

26.  陈武勇,王应红,李立新,植物多酚还原的铬铝鞣剂及制备方法,国家发明专利2005ZL03135643.5

